I don't fault him much for the disaster we call the Covid "vaccine," and for the record I am a pureblood, untainted by that dubious garbage injected into millions. I almost lost my job over my refusal.
Trump's involvement with the vaccine was essentially giving the green light to R&D a vaccine. His error was in trusting pharma to cut the shit and make one. Instead they went off the absolute deep end with mRNA nonsense. "Never let a crisis go to waste," as Obama's Chief of Staff once said. By the time the shots were being mass-produced and forced on the citizenry, Trump was lame-duck / no longer in office. Biden was the one mandating the shot and spreading "winter of death" fear-porn.
Trump didn't control pharma, or direct them. And based on his choice of RFKjr as a cabinet member, I'd argue Trump has learned not to trust them.