The Final Inkperial siege, one that would cause an all out war in the Inkverse, one of the last ships, the overflow ships that had stayed behind in case in some circumstance the National Guard would fail, they would wait to be deployed. Led by General Stephansky apart of the 325th overhaul crew, he had seen action in previous standings including the Stickmania battle. He wasnt new to combat, but his crew.. mostly consisting of Inkversian Representatives trying to make a war effort, hadnt shot a firearm into the direction of a human being before.
The ships loudspeaker would turn on.
"Alright company, land in about T minus 2 minutes"
(The entire squadron would get ready)
"Alright men, lets give em hell.." Stephansky would say as he pressed the DOCK button on the ship
As soon as he opened the door, the men were greeted to a hellscape, the smell of napalm, and metallic blood filled the air as the sky gloomed an eeriee orange. Troops were seen scattered all over the battlefield, some using the bodies for cover. The Inkversian Minigunners had set up their turrets in a similar fashion to D Day.
"SHIT, GET DOWN" one of the troops would say as machine gun fire would enter the ships haul
Within a fraction of a second, almost half of the troops had a sizeable hole in their helmets.
"MOVE UP TO THE DIP IN THE GROUND, QUICK MOVE" Stephansky would yell as he army crawled to the dip, bullets ripping past him and his comrades.
"The Machinegunner has a straight view on us, we need to strafe to the side in order to move up"
Stephansky and his soldiers would push up, but almost halfway their, he would get tagged with several bullet wounds to the chest, and one tagging the end of his helmet, causing a metal shard to pierce his eye
"JUST... GO ON... LEAVE ME" Stephansky would yell as his men pushed towards the encampment
(suddenly, he would black out)