Hey man. Sorry bout the other day. Really man. I was a tad tipsy. I can understand if you don't want to RP or be friends man. But like. Even if this goes nowhere. I want you to know Imma truly aorry. Please forgive me. Also like. You don't have to answer if u like cows. Twas a drunk question. Just know that I'm not as drunk today and so I be smart and I wanna just tell you I'm sorry.
Oh, for heaven's sake... Not again. Look, Cowboy, does brevity mean naught to you? You already apologised. I hope that you're as sorry as your spelling and grammar are.
P.S. Yes, I like cows. No, we are not going to chat about bloody cows. Got it?
Look man brevity means to use a few words. I studied Shakespeare remember? Juuuuuulliard danda dandandan go penguin. Also. Don't act like you don't make typos too ok everyone makes typos like we're all human man. Sorry for that. Ok got it man sheesh didn't know cows were a tough topic ok. Sorry. I just don't know you that well. But you seem like a gorgeous and talented artistic soul and like I'm an art lover as well. Can I just say I love your photography if it's yours and you seem so so beautiful.
Julliard... How cute. I bet I know Shakespeare better than you. Don't ask me how, I just do. I never said I don't make the occasional error, but yours are erroneous. Thank you for the compliments; wish I could say the same about you. Again, Cowboy, you are drunk. Go home. I won't tell you again.
Ok man do you even like know what Julliard is man? It's da best performing arts school in da WORLD ok. Like. I'm British. But I went there bc it's the BEST. I don't know where you're from don't care where you're from if you like Shakespeare so much you must've heard of it ok. Also..
The jokes on you man...
Of course I'm familiar with Julliard. Some of the best in the world are alumni, but I never went there, and that shouldn't be your problem, especially seeing as I graduated before you. Good little Cowboy. Now, sit, stay, and be quiet. Capice?
Ok man sorry. I get how I was prolly a tad tone deaf and for that I'm sorry man. I don't even know what you studied. I studied the arts and theatre arts and like graduated with fine arts. You seem like a really smart type. If you didn't study art you prolly did photography or English or something really good for the world. I couldn't help but following my dream man. Sorry if that offends you. Also hey! I'm not a dog. I'll leave you alone if you insist but like do better man. Be a better human.
Oh, honey, if I told you all that I studied, your little head would explode. Go on and follow your dream, Cowboy. Also, I'm not calling you a dog. Ever heard of figurative language? If you like Shakespeare so much, surely you must've.
Oui man as a matter of fact IIIII STUDIED ENLGGISH LIT TOO!!!! Sorry man. You seem very smart. I'll let you be. This isn't a competition man. We can settle on that we're both smart together ok just like maybe in different areas. Ok? Sorry man. Let's just forget this ever happened. Hopefully we can start a new maybe if you find it in your heart to forgive me. Ok? Sorry man. Have a good one. Also. Lighten up man ok hopefully this makes u smile :3 https://youtube.com/shorts/Mkrj2N49lEQ?si=wrQii0CQ4I_bQfaF