There are so many things wrong with this sentence that it's impossible to figure out where to start.
"He won by 0.2%"
The popular vote was 1.5% (about 2.4mil votes) in his favor. Not to mention he proved in 2016 that sometimes it doesn't matter who the vote goes to. Similarly, 226-312 electoral votes is definitely more than enough to tell you that it was probably greater than 0.2%, even without the numbers.
"Over half of Americans didn't even vote"
Because only half of Americans CAN vote. There are about 187 million registered voters in the US (out of 335 million Americans in total), and over 152 million of them voted. Assuming those numbers are accurate, that's a turnout of over 81%, which is definitely way more than half.
On another note, did you miss the part where ALL of the fifty states, red and blue, shifted to the right — meaning Harris did worse than Biden in every state? Or when the pollsters admitted that Harris actually didn't have a lead anywhere? With that in mind, it's possible that she actually lost by even more than what is being shown, not that it matters.
Next time, try getting your facts straight before you attempt to troll.