fair enough. your right, i cant make you. and its not like upvote begging is gonna stop anytime soon. if you want to beg for points do it. you have the mental compacity of a 9 year old.
when i decided to do imflip again i studied the fun stream and discovered AUB vs upvote beggars and i sided with the upvote beggars because most of the aub user are probably underaged and upvote begging is a easy way to make points.
I don't care if people upvote beg usually, but it feels like half the posts I've seen today were begging. I know they're ragebait, but I honestly don't care, it's annoying when you can't find memes on a meme website.
Like streams that are specifically for upvotes begging? Why don't you use ones like that instead? Is it dumb to want to find actual memes on a meme website?