I’ll never apologize for how hard I love or how intense I am.
I’m passionate about everything I do and everyone I love- and that won’t ever change.
I refuse to tone down, water down or filter my personality or passion for anyone who can’t handle me.
I know I’m fiery, sassy and a bit spicy at times, but that’s just part of my charm..
I’m not asking anyone to like me if they decide I’m not for them.
I realize that I may be an acquired taste, and I’m good with that.
There’s been a lot of people who left my life that didn’t always agree with who I am or what I said..and I wish them the best while respecting their choice.
I don’t want anyone in my life that doesn’t want to be there, all in.
I’m real, genuine and authentic in everything I say and do, so you’ll know exactly where you stand with me.
I don’t mince words, play fake or pretend when I don’t like something or someone.
Life is too short to spend my time and energy chasing people for their affection, attention and approval when I don’t need it or even want it.
I know there’s people out there that will say I’m unloveable, hard to handle and opinionated, and they’re right.
I speak my mind, I share my truth and I’m open and honest about what I think.
So, if anyone wants to label me, name call or write me off because they don’t approve of my personality, that’s their choice..
It won’t change how I live my life, what I do or how I spend my time.
I’ll never ask for permission to follow my heart and burn brightly for the things that matter most to me: my loved ones, my passions and of course, love, in all its forms.
Yes, I’ve loved the wrong people and kissed the wrong frogs, but I learned from every bad choice and I kept loving hard when there was love to be had.
I put all of my heart and soul into my love and that will never change.
It causes me to get hurt more often than I’d like, but I’ll take that risk every time..
Because without putting yourself out there, you’ll never know the love that could be yours..
And I’m greedy, I guess.
I want all the love from the people in my life and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.
So, if you were waiting for an apology from me for my attitude, my passion or my words, I hate to disappoint you.
I’ll admit when I’m wrong and I’ll apologize when I should, but I’ll never say I’m sorry for being who I am and what I love.
Being in my life is a choice, and maybe it’s not for everyone, but the ones who stuck around appreciate me for all the things the