Yeah most stuff you enter in fun section for memes and gifs get either 0 upvotes or a few whereas mostly middle school aged stuff is in the top upvotes on first page. While a few, even school ones, are good off and on most are absolute garbage, make no sense or are a repeat of the same thing. Seems like this age range has figured out a way to cheat. I've been on here since 2018 and it wasn't like that before. Just in last few years and nothing gets done. This isn't obvious to them? I used to be on i-dressup until the Stardoll scumbags found a way to get their better site that was free off the web and middle school and high school range always cheated in fashion party entries. Yeah we believe you're getting that many votes when you're not even following party theme. They'd call you a hater and deny it. 2017 and before. I enter most stuff in cats anyway but still think that's bogus and they get away with it.