Fallout 76 takes place in West Virginia, a place I went on vacation
There's this HUGE bridge there called the New River Gorge and it can be seen from a wood balcony of sorts that's attached to a national park
While I was trying to travel somewhere by not focusing on my surroundings and following my compass, I accidentally managed to walk onto THAT SPECIFIC BALCONY overseeing THAT BRIDGE
Like there were probably nine of those things
Also, the "Whitespring Refuge" is based off of the real life Greenbrier Hotel, an extremely fancy hotel that had a fallout shelter for the president underneath
anyway then move
Most Fallout games are on the East/West Coast
which let's face it, are the most memorable and only states people care about
Mojave Desert, Nevada (NV)
Boston, Massachusetts (4)
Los Angeles, California (TV)