I appreciate your being willing to engage, here...
This isn't a "war" - so much as the culmination of a long running plan for Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing - and yes - even theft.
According to the Torah, and long-standing precedents of Jewish Law and Tradition - the Jewish Diaspora is a divinely decreed exile. And part of that, is that any attempt to create a Jewish sovereignty - ANYWHERE on Earth, is FORBIDDEN. And in particular, Jews are not to return to Palestine in large numbers, much less try to "reclaim" that region, on their own. They are supposed to be loyal and lawful subjects, wherever they may happen to be, following G-d's laws, until they receive the Messiah, which G-d has promised them. If they believe in G-d enough, to believe that they're entitled to the lands of others - then they can follow G-d's laws, and wait for a Messiah.
The Messiah is supposed to transport all of the world's Jews to the Holy Land, in divine fashion, "on the wings of eagles" - without any direct human action. So too, is the Temple supposed to be rebuilt, without any human intervention.
The initial Zionist movement, began with a spurious "Messiah", named Sabbathai Zevi. He was deemed a dangerous lunatic, by almost all of world Jewry. He was followed by his protegé, Jacob Frank - likewise, regarded as a lunatic. Both were very unsavory characters. But apparently Frank did manage to meet with a Rothschild and Adam Weisshaupt (founder of the Bavarian Illuminati), and get them to support the idea of violating the Divine will, to create a "Jewish Homeland" in Palestine. This was in the later 18th Century.
Since then, in the mid-19th Century - the idea began getting some traction - and some Jews began relocating there, and buying property - sometimes legally, and sometimes using unlawful tactics. By the 1890's you have Herzl starting the official modern Zionist Organization.
Then you have the declaration of Lord Balfour - a British Imperialist, who didn't own Palestine, but merely had administrative control over it, at the end of WW1. Zionist Terrorism and theft became much more common, between the wars. At the End of WW2, the Zionists began a wave of theft and Genocide - coinciding with the Brits asking the UN to steal large portions of Palestine from its owners, to give it to Zionists. That's how Gaza got turned into a Prison/Concentration Camp. Then there's the 1967 war - more THEFT. So, as you can see... Theft is the correct word to use.