fine il explain the joke , shes shaving her head along with a bunch other women to protest trump winning because the f**ken dems got them scared shitless because they were convinced trump was hitler ,
so these sheilas are going on a sex strike and shaving their heads to make them selves unattractive to punish trump supporters ,,,,,,, they were never gunna f**k in the first place ,
at the end of ww2 people who helped the nazis were punished as nazi sympathizers and women typically had their heads force ably shaved off and in most cases exiled from their town , they usually just shot the blokes
so her calling trump hitler then going off and shaving her head sort of comes off in my f**ked up sense of humor as : oh no hitler is back better shave our heads so he dosnt know we were democrat
heres the actual link ( not being a dick this time )