Ahh, okay. I was initially raised Mormon. I see them as a branch of Christianity as they carry many of the same values and laws, albeit a bit more conservative in some respects. A bit more crazy in others. Penecostals*[sic?] (was Pentecostal for about 4-5 years) seem to be more about doomsaying and talking about the end of days. Catholics seem to be more about repetence and grieving for the sins they've committed against the Father. (Haven't been catholic can't say for sure.) And Southern Baptist (haven't been S.B) seems to be about rejoicing in the glory of creation that is and exists. Westboro Baptists... Eh, I haven't agreed with their practice.
I haven't really found a denomination that fits me. One of the things that Mormonism taught me is how to find where you fit in. Of course, there was propaganda aimed at the youth (around 6-8 years old) around convincing us to believe that this church was true. As a result of their excellent Sunday School teachings, I was able to apply this critical nature to whatever church I was in. I've been looking for common denominators among the denominations (lol). Finding a church that just focuses on those common denominators does not exist as I've been able to find it.
But thanks for elaborating!