I played terraria all day today, so halfway through, my wrist began to feel... off. it wasnt anything, so i simply shrugged it off as mild straining. Anyways, it got bad after dinner, but i didnt notice. The pain in my wrist was mostly gone, but it traveled to my palm. a sore pain, one that didnt pulsate but stayed. I told my parents, and my dad told me its carpal tunnel syndrome, which is commonly permanent. Im typing with my right hand as to not strain it further because it c o u l d be either a strain or carpal tunnel. If the pain continues, i might be f**ked. i'm seriously worried. the pain isnt that strong so im hoping its just a warning to stretch and uh... not grind for 8 hours straight.
But yes, it could be permanent damage. WASD and stretching your fingers all the way from the esc key to space and back all day isnt good.