“You may know Mister Shit as the guy who talks, but now he’s unalived himself. Let me break it down for you. Many users loved Mister Shit, also known as Montymayor Shithton, and said stuff such as ‘please shove your 27 yard long dick in my ass’, and he’s f**king dead. Mister Shit loved posting memes, but one day he remade ‘kids in the playground’ on twitter, and got hate for it. If you don’t know what that video is, don’t worry, it has no children. It’s someone putting a broomstick in their foreskin. Anyways, people sent him messages like ‘cut off your balls’ and ‘I’m in your walls’ and then he f**king snapped, voted for John Freedom, and f**king killed his pet hamster. Then he died of cancer. As in he hired a person who had the cancer zodiac sign to shoot him in the f**king head.”