Yeah, it's sad... I don't really get why Sylc wanted to start any of this, she said she had some anger issues and didn't trust him or something (even though he's been here for quite a while), but even so I can't get what would make her angry at alex without even considering WHY he was doing it.
If you don't mind me ranting for a bit, issues or not why would someone be distrustful and spiteful of another person's odd behavior without even thinking to question or talk to them about it like I did? Me talking with alex about what was going on was the only thing that helped him calm down and stop with the alts, that's what she should have done and that whole conflict would have never happened.
But I do feel bad Sylc had to leave, part of me kinda wishes she'd come back... I still visit her YouTube channel and she's more chill now, mewvee also came back at one point for a little bit, we were chill, but I haven't heard from him in a while