Here's a fun thought experiment: You posted a pic of a sandwich with the meat arranged suggestively one time for a joke. Someone sees it and says that you must f**k sandwiches. You don't want to dignify their asinine accusation with a response, so you ignore it. Then the rumor spreads. Now 10 people have heard that you f**k sandwiches. "It must be true because so many people think it!" "He didn't deny it because he knows it's true!" You're beginning to develop a reputation as "the sandwich f**ker" and decide it's time to head it off. You decide to respond to one of your daily accusers and refute the claim, explaining that it was a joke, you don't f**k sandwiches, and you'd like to be left alone. They launch into an interrogation about how f**king sandwiches is wrong, you're sick for posting that picture, what were you thinking and why did you do it? You repeat that it was a joke and they dismiss your claim as a flimsy cover for your sandwich fetish, even using your protestations as further evidence of your guilt. "He's so defensive! He's just mad because people are onto him." By now 2/3 of the school has heard the rumor and half of them believe it. Additional rumors begin to surface about how you abuse bagels and your vile use of condiments. Meanwhile the one person in school who ACTUALLY f**ks sandwiches is sitting quietly in the background content to let you take the fall, wondering the whole time why ANY SANE PERSON would think that an actual sandwich f**ker would out themselves to be judged and abused by the entire world.
Food for thought. I'm going to link to this in response to future daily beatings of the dead horse.