It's simple.
For at least the past 100 years the majority of voters in the United States were leading us down a path of equal rights, the beginning of the end of racism, sexism, patriarchy, religious supremacy and white supremacy; And that pisses off Maga who are white supremacists, elitists, sexists, racists, evangelicals that have convinced themselves that they alone are holier than everyone else on earth and they have more than proven, for centuries, that they're desperate and hateful enough to lie, erase history, cheat, kill and steal to stop the future of this country from coming because they know
there's no room for them in the future; They say they're the good people but then they want you to believe a lying, stealing, whining, convicted felon, that publicly s3xually assaults women, promised he'd declare himself dictator on day one, is what's best for everyone. Just sayin