"Where are you, Michael? Stand up. We're counting on this guy. I didn't take him from any other state. I took him right from here. So Michael, you better win or you're never going to be able to come back here -he doesn't win, he won't be at RNC and he will no longer be in North Carolina. He'll be looking for a job."; -so said R. McDonald J. Trump in a pre-bid effort to scapegoat RNC Chairman Michael Whatley in a tacit acknowledgement he can lose the 2024 election without it being rigged. Oops. Of course, moving to pin an election loss on Whatley is also a sotto voce admission of how much he sucks as a candidate sooo... at less than a week out, it'll be interesting to see how, if he
realizes the blunder and course-corrects. In other news, a Texas Trump supporter -because of course it would be a Trump supporter- had the brilliant idea to beat up a poll worker. Why? For making the mistake of asking said Trump supporter to obey the law. In our final note this evening, Madison Square Garden only seats 19.5K people. If you don't already understand that li'l factoid's significance, don't worry -you'll find out soon enough.