""You don't live in a democracy. Your democracy was stolen from you decades and decades. The idea that democracy is on the ballot. Isn't it interesting that the party that's saying democracy is on the ballot just made Kamala Harris their nominee without zero. You know, I like to call her a queen and you can't take down a queen. And by a queen, I mean a monarch installed by elites without any votes from the people.
And that's exactly so the party telling you they're putting democracy on the ballot just took all the ballots of 14 million ballots of the Democratic primary And they threw about the window they got rid of those ballots and they just had donors billionaires the blob installed Kamala Harris She was their first choice in 2020 by the way, do you remember this? So she was at a Martha's Vineyard? At a fundraiser. She met all the blob all the big donors and they anointed Kamala Harris and then she went into the primary and she couldn't get a vote she had to drop out before Iowa the blob still wanted her so they forced her on Joe Biden and made Joe Biden choose her as his vice president so they could do exactly what they just did they could get rid of Joe Biden and install Kamala Harris that's exactly how this game works and that now we're so this you don't live in this idea that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy to the blob and that just like Elon Musk. And you don't have to like either of those guys, but everybody loved both of those guys until they wanted to do a little free speech or they didn't wanna do as much war as they want, as the blob wanted. Remember how much people loved Elon Musk? He was making electric cars. He was on climate change the whole day. And then all of a sudden he wants to do a little free speech and he, guys giving you free speech has now turned into Hitler and a right winger and all that stuff.
So anyway, just keep, I want people to focus on Bobby Kennedy giving a speech at a Trump rally at a stadium, still talking about traditional democratic values and the entire stadium cheering. It doesn't matter what Donald Trump says, it matters that that's where the country is, and they don't want you to know that. We all share the same goals and the same values, but they want us to split us apart so they can control us and install a leader like Kamala Harris, and we're just going to take it. In fact, people are going to cheer it on.""