"No borders" is something you have to be younger than 15 to stand for. With this we'd be free game for ISIS, Hamas, Xi spies, Putin spies, terrorist bombers, drug cartels, and a long list of other problematic people. All of them could come into our country. 911 happened bc terrorists snuck into our country and hijacked planes and crashed buildings, ending thousands of lives. They also nearly hit the WH that day too but it failed. Let any ol person in the country, and that may succeed one day. Would that qualify as an "insurrection"?
More government means less freedom, meaning no one will get what they need.
As nice as "everyone gets what they need" sounds, it's unrealistic. Companies need workers, people need jobs to get money to pay bills, etc. It's a give and take world. Benefitting everyone is impossible bc some people are selfish and to benefit one person may neglect another. The power-hungry are prime examples of this. And they are also a prime example of why this Marxist utopia you described will fail. A big government will never allow the people to have that much self government. Self government means freedom of speech and thought, which means they'd be held accountable, which they don't want. They'd rather control everything so you don't dare speak out against them. But they won't pitch their ideas that way or they'll never get elected, so they pitch them as world solutions but they just promise perfect utopias that could never happen irl. It's just like anarchy. Anarchy would be a ideal and fun system to live in, but no culture is mature enough for it, so it won't work. We need laws to punish P Diddies and other criminals. (Ofc Diddy himself has likely been protected by law bc our system has been co-opted by corrupt marxists, but that's a discussion for another time). Communists pitch pipe dreams as world solutions and then use people's desperation to gain support before throwing it out the window and turning their land into a hellscape. Just ask North Korea, Venezuela, or any other communist country.