Smart move making this stream. Msmg is very like a middle school at lunch time. People there are casually cruel because it is the nature of most youth to be that way. And they swarm on any perceived weakness. And that's just the typical mob. There are also the genuine sociopaths. Not that there's a substantive difference between a sociopath and someone cosplaying as one for lols. Point is, it is what it is--there is no "fixing" it. The best suggestion is to use it as an opportunity to work on divesting yourself of concern for what other people think. They probably think ill of you because they generally think ill of everyone (at least anyone the slightest bit different from them, so to the extent that they're assholes, take it as a compliment that you don't fit in with them). The bigger issue is, so what? Who cares what a bunch of assholes thinks about you in the first place? They're assholes!