Holy sweet Jesus am I never doing this again. This evening, I was browsing drawings on Abby61219's page (for those not in the know, she's best mates with a young woman who's clearly the best at drawing I've ever seen. I'm talking all mediums as well, pen, pencil, computer, and even cell phone with no stylus.) A few of the posts are labeled as being made on Kleki.com on the phone w/o stylus, and since I am completely taken and enamored with this beautiful young woman's art (seriously, if you do nothing else with your time today, I mean it. Go look her up. The most impressive and committed artist I've ever seen, and I know many creative minds from all walks of life.), I got a tad inspired myself, completely forgetting the fact I can not draw to save my life. I entered Kleki on my browser and firstly took far too long deciding what I must draw for my first attempt, and it's supposed to be a cowboy, but if you've seen Abby's mates work, you'd know she makes this look effortless. She'll draw every little detail of even photorealistic people with complex outfitting and accessories and even each physical detail such as neck veins and muscles. Truly impressive work. Even when she tackles cartoon and stylised art, even creating many original characters herself, she never, ever lets a detail slip her mind. I thought if this sprightly young lady who's younger than my niece is capable of such raw talent, it must be easier than it looks, but man, was I wrong. Getting the lines as straight as they are was bad enough but how does one even colour on this? Do you colour first and then add the line work over it? How to make overlapping objects such as the hat going round the head? At one point I fell asleep and awake to my phone in my face an hour later, covered in drool and seeing that my tip of my nose drew a green line across the whole page. I never even selected green. I tried to undo, but it seems that what I thought was undo is actually redo, and what I thought would erase it merely changes the opacity of the colours, hence why what is supposed to be the Texas flag looks more like a strange cloud with colours.rven when trying to perfect the writing, which is him saying "yee haw", just so any sane person could tell he's a cowboy, each straight line took maybe 10-30 mins each just to make as straight as possible and even the right size as well to even begin to resemble letters. As a last-ditch effort, I tried to pull inspiration from the artist and attempt a neck vein