Oh, that's a pretty awesome power system even for being non-canon.
It almost sorta reminds me of stands, in the way that they can take many different forms, require strong willpower, and not everyone can handle having it.
In that reguard it actually reminds me a lot of a power system I made called Current...
Except it's kinda jank and OP for certain ppl *Cough* my main OC, *cough*
What is a manifestation? A manifestation is the action of a mortal manifesting mortal energy. This action is impossible for mortals/humans. But before saying all this stuff, lets go over WHAT a manifestation is and what it's all about. Representation of manifested mortal energy; A human that can manifest is called a Manifester. These are people that have learnt to control mortal energy and to use it. A manifestation can, well, manifest it self in various ways. Most commonly like armor or weapons, or even both! The power of a Manifester is comparable to that of a Divine Warrior, though slightly weaker. Still a pretty tough deal!
But can Gods/Immortals also manifest? Absolutely not! Can Demigods manifest? Yup, but it would need various conditions that we'll talk about soon. =; Now, how can YOU manifest? Well, you can't :P It is impossible, well kind of. To successfully manifest one must have:; -Extreme emotional turbulence, negative emotions work best
-High enough will power to not fail the manifestation; Hold up. Fail?? Yup! If you don't have enough willpower to withstand it, you will become a failed manifestation, also called a distorted manifestation or a distortion. Prime examples are the guy who was so depressed he distorted and caused the Black Death/Bubonic Plaque and the guy who caused one of the biggest Ice Ages, yeah he was a ooga booga but still pretty strong.