How simple, logical and asinine 5 point Calvinism makes God's regeneration of man's dead spirit look. Since they aren't separating the spirit of man as a whole from the individual soul of each person, meaning the Satanic nature infiltrating the individual human soul of each person breaking perfect union with God, and they deny man's free will that was leftover from the Fall they use John 6:44 to "prove" that the Father has to draw, which does mean by force, the spirit & basically flip a switch so the person can say yes. The Holy Spirit calls each soul & with the remnants of each soul of God's attributes, including the ability to exercise faith, we can say yes THEN the Father draws the spirit; God didn't allow Satan to takeover the entirety of people. Sin is IN our entirety but it's NOT our entirety. We're still human. With such thinking, Satan gets more power than God. Nonsense! The Father regenerates Life back into each soul that willfully says yes.