So, I've been thinking for a while about creating a sort of "robin hood" kind of faction, taking his full thing of "steal from the rich and greedy and give to the poor and responsible" to heart. That is why I decided to take steps slowly to create its identity. The first step was creating the general symbol. I took the Helldivers skull and reshaped it, and the things around it, mainly by making it appear a tad more friendly and less menacing. I also took steps to allow the color schemes to be more creative, per se, and that's mainly why I chose Green for the flag base. The Curved Text was made in Canva, and I got the wheat cleaves from Google Slides(in which I later assembled the actual flag). This was the result for the flag. I had another flag concept, but I figured it would infringe a tad on Disney's Robin Hood, so I chose this flag instead to sort of, fit in. What details should I add to this flag? What is your thoughts? Do tell me!