...yup, that's right my MAGA followers, stay tuned next week for the final act. Will our hero escape the all evil, all powerful but yet incompetent clutches of the deep state...once again?
I dunno, they clearly have the FBI onside and they are outa time to try and use the Democrat states to organise something. There is without doubt, many more Fanni's out there, prepared to do whatever they have to do, for their leaders!
Umm...there is really no subtle way to explain this...my gif comment is pure mockery on how the MAGA views the so called deep state like the consistent failing Saturday morning cartoon villain.
Pure fakery and fiction brought to you by your government controlled media for the purpose of division.
Well the hundreds of millions from the military industrial complex (money machines), FBI, extreme Left Judges and DA,s failed in the push to stop the one person who can limit their income and ideology, so; Yarra Man; now they will have to rely on one of Communisms, more trusted M O's, to get rid of him!