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RIP to all that died on 9/11 and those who fought to get the people behind it and make the Middle East a safer place

RIP to all that died on 9/11 and those who fought to get the people behind it and make the Middle East a safer place | image tagged in god bless america,9/11,united states of america,rest in peace | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
813 views 43 upvotes Made by TheSpookyAmericanHoneyBader 3 weeks ago in politics
6 ups, 2w
Stupendous meme!
4 ups, 2w
Firefighter Work Stories | THIS WILL BE ME IN 2 YEARS. I AM SO HONORED | image tagged in firefighter work stories | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
0 ups, 2w,
1 reply
I think Muslims believing in something is what got us into this shithole in the first place. Religious people believe a little too hard.
1 up, 5d,
2 replies
Aw man! Did the Nazi get his feelings hurt?
0 ups, 4d,
1 reply
Pedophile Apologists' IQ and Mentalities | THIS JUST IN THE KILLERS OF PROPHETS ARE THE ((("INNOCENT CHOSEN PEOPLE PACIFISTS WHO AREN'T CAPABLE OF SCRATCHING EVEN AN ANT!"))) YES, THE | image tagged in breaking news,pedophile,pedophiles,pedophilia,innocent,prophet | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
"Aw man"? Wait, there are "men" (which would probably be more accurately to translate it as "sewer cockroaches") living in Uncle Sa(tan)mantha's fake artificial "womb"? That's new to me! I literally never knew being so deluded to the point that planting a fake artificial "va**na" could still make you "pregnant"! Tell me more about it just exactly like how the Talmud describes the process in doing so, I'd like to hear more about this so-called "transitioning procedure" 🤣🤣🤣

Oh, and tell me more about how you DON'T believe in this:

^^No need to lie and spew that you "dOn'T aPpRoVe oF iT!" and that you "cOnDeMn tErRoRiSm!", I already know that's what you already believe in because you've been indoctrinated with the ((("innocent chosen people pacifists who aren't capable of scratching even an ant!"))) lies and propaganda for your whole keyboard-warrior "life" and will NEVER EVER wake up and because words are something, and intentions and actions are whole different things, you aren't fooling any sane human being with a brain to think for himself.

"Killers of prophets." Truer words were never spoken. When these are literally the mentalities of the ((("people"))) who earned the title of "killers of prophets" (deservedly so as how we've learned from countless lessons from history), wants to kill and extreminate EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH just because they don't follow this "religion" (including me and 8,000,000,000 people on earth and even YOU who worship and adore this "religion") and suck ZERO-YEAR-OLD INFANTS' BLOOD OUT OF THEIR PEEPEES because Ketubot.11b.6 in their so-called "hOlY bOoK!" says it's a "tAnTaMoUnT tO pOkInG a fInGeR iNtO tEh eYe!!!", what else would you expect from lovely and wonderful ((("religion"))) like that?

0 ups, 3d,
1 reply
Mario found your clown license | image tagged in mario found your clown license | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Bro how stupid do you have to be to believe that Jews suck blood out of infants privates and want to wipe out the human race?
0 ups, 3d,
1 reply
Once again only proving that you've never read even A WORD from the Talmud.

"that Jews suck blood out of infants privates"

Then what does the last image that I linked say? No, it's not "jUsT sOmE rAnDoM jOoS dOiNg tHaT!!!" It is literally described as a "nOrMaL tHiNg!!!" in the Talmud. Here you go:

"Rava said that this is what the mishna is saying: An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing, as intercourse with a girl less than three years old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye."

"and want to wipe out the human race?"

Again, here you go:

Bava Metzia 114b: Only Jews are called "man," but gentiles are not called "man." (You hear that? ALL GENTILES ARE SUBHUMANS IN THEIR EYES, INCLUDING YOUR VERY OWN SELF!!!)

Kiddushin 4:11.7: Kill the best of gentiles.

1 Samuel 15:3: "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
0 ups, 3d
Are you gonna mention the fact that child marriages and rapes are a massive problem in Islam? Or the fact that pedophile Catholic priests are a huge problem too? I’m saying this as a Catholic so don’t pull the jEwIsH pRoPaGaNdA crap on me.
0 ups, 4d,
1 reply
Just Pedophile-Worshippers and the Process of How They Get Brainwashed and Indoctrinated Into Becoming Pedophile-Worshippers:

Here, have this as a plus and a fact too:

0 ups, 3d,
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0 ups, 3d,
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"lIeS wItH nO eViDeNcE"? That's rich who sucks it up to the ugliest, most despicable, cunning, deceptive, contradictory and loathsome ideology to ever exist without reading even A WORD from its hateful books. I have provided evidences in the comment above as well, if you refuse to have basic common sense to recognize that GENOCIDING +50,000 INNOCENT WOMEN AND CHILDREN IN LESS THAN A WHOLE YEAR IN THE LITERAL DEADLIEST GENOCIDE IN THE 21ST CENTURY AND INSTEAD PLAYS THE VICTIM AND CALLS IT "sElF-dEfEnSe!!!", then that's your problem.

And I bet that you will post this garbage of a pedophile-apologist "meme" that you made in your comment and resort to more pathetic upvote begging in your Pro_Israel_Coalition soylent echo chamber to pathetically make yourself sound like you are "wInNiNg tEh aRgUmEnT!!!"

Also, I don't see you commenting on that image about the sane human being dictionary compared to the Jewish dictionary on genocide, terrorism, war crime and crime against humanity. Is it possible that what I "guessed" about you and everyone who reads from that dictionary turned out to be true and that all of you, seriously in your "rational minds," believe in such absolutely insane and unearthly definitions?

Oh wait, that's what sane human beings already know because they've LEARNED FROM HISTORY unlike you and your likes who are still stuck in the stone age and are condemned to repeat it (you already are repeating it). So yes, you 100% and wholeheartedly approve of it and you are calling these innocent, helpless and defenseless boys crying for each other and for someone to save them before they were heartlessly MURDERED IN COLD BLOOD as "tErRoRiStS!!!" and your comment where you are lying and spewing that you "never said that civilians deserve to die" is nothing but a pure lie because you not only approve of murdering civilians (when they're Muslims but never ever when they're Jewish of course), but you approve of murdering EVEN INNOCENT CHILDREN!!! Wow, just wow, what a ((("totally unexpected lie"))) that would never come out of you and your likes!
0 ups, 3d,
1 reply
You should take your own advice since hateful lies like the ones you spread have lead to atrocities like the Holocaust.
0 ups, 3d
Poor, innocent, helpless, and defenseless children, wearing their everyday striped shirts, shorts, socks and shoes, trapped in a tragic fate and dire moment, the sheer amount of shock, terror and trauma in these children's faces, being threatened and held at gunpoint behind their heads as their unblemished and intact bodies are about to experience traumatic injuries 😰

The ((("people"))) doing that to these innocent children are the most ruthless, heartless, and merciless army to ever exist where not even the tiniest fraction of their skin is visible because of how well-equipped they are with the most advanced gear and equipment, their "hearts" know nothing but ruthlessness, heartlessness, and mercilessness who would not only murder innocent, vulnerable, helpless, and defenseless children as they were crying for someone to save them in cold blood, they would even outright murder what's even more innocent than a child if it was to exist with 0 remorse or sympathy (because these "creatures" even think that they are above God and beat Him in an argument. Literally, read Bava Metzia 59b for proof), a fate that no one, especially not pure and innocent souls like these children, deserve to suffer through 😢


2 ups, 2w,
1 reply
What if, stay with me now, people don’t deserve to die for their governments actions regardless if you agree or disagree with it or not.
0 ups, 2w,
1 reply
Says the one who justified entire illegal invasions and wars (Iraq & Afghanistan) over LIES, already greenlighted the genocide of +50,000 Palestinian women and children and wants to exterminate the religion of A QUARTER OF THE ENTIRE HUMAN POPULATION!

Yeah, right!
1 up, 2w,
1 reply
I never said that civilians deserve to die, you did.
0 ups, 2w,
1 reply
Your shilling for a pedophilic ideology and spewing "iSrAhElL iSn'T cOmMiTtInG gEnOcIdE nOr kIlLiNg wOmEn aNd cHiLdReN!!!" IN THE LITERAL DEADLIEST GENOCIDE IN THE 21ST CENTURY and already butchered +50,000 innocents despite countless evidences says otherwise.
1 up, 2w
Bro stop spewing your NPC talk actually come up with an argument.
7 ups, 2w,
2 replies
4 ups, 2w
Hey ! The best minds agree with him !
1 up, 1w,
1 reply
You’re such as hypocrite it’s insane, you say that civilians in Gaza don’t deserve to die for their governments actions (which they don’t) yet you defend the worst terrorist attack in human history because of the foreign policy decisions of the US government. You also say that people shouldn’t assume things about all Muslims (which they shouldn’t) yet you assume that all 15 Million Jews are all pedophiles and cry Islamophobe when I point out the fact that things like pedophilia and radicalism are also and more of a problem in Islam than in Judaism. I’m starting to think I am just arguing with a bunch of bot accounts programmed to spew the exact same stupid antisemitic talking points no matter what.
0 ups, 7d,
1 reply
Nothing wrong with "hating" the subversive parasites with double standards, because if you let evil roam around freely, evil will come right at every human being on the face of the earth's children not only when they go outside, but even create brainwashing and indoctrination agenda disguising as so-called ((("entertainment products!"))) to come right at them even when they're in THEIR VERY OWN HOMES like what (((BlackRock))), (((Sweet Baby Inc))) does!

Also, "the worst terrorist attack in human history"? Sure, cool story bro!
1 up, 7d,
1 reply
Only proving my point.
0 ups, 7d,
1 reply
"Keep proving me right" = "I lost and was obliterated in the argument, but I will NEVER admit it!"

Calm down, you're not even new to this or even "something special!" We're always used to these cliches since the inception of the internet.
1 up, 6d,
1 reply
You keep using the same exact talking point and refusing to counter my arguments, you have no argument while I do.
0 ups, 6d,
1 reply
How exactly am I "refusing" to counter your pathetic "arguments"? Where were you to make memes condemning the pedophilic terrorist "state" of IsraHell's terrorist attack in Lebanon (whose casualties are now 42 deaths and +3500 injured and only rising further)? I bet if you replaced "Lebanese" OR WHATEVER NATIONALITY from Muslim countries with "iNnOcEnt jOoS!!!" you would've rushed to take it to the internet and make cringe memes worshipping pedophiles who you've never even heard of their names and be crying "oH! hOw tRaGiC! i cOnDeMn tErRoRiSm! nO oNe ("one" = "Jew") dEsErVeS tO bE kIlLeD! sToP tErRoRiSm!!!" but because the people in this case KILLED (and not "died" as per what your Uncle Sa(tan)mantha's prosthetic TV breasts indoctrinates the brainwashed masses like you and then swallow it like a spoon) were people from Muslim countries so it's "aLl gOoD!!!"

And even if we were really to go by IsraHell's pathetic propaganda that "iSrAeL iSn'T mUrDeRiNg wOmEn aNd cHiLdReN, iSrAeL iS oNlY tArGeTiNg hAmAs!!!" then why is IsraHell DELIBERATELY MURDERING Palestinians in the West Bank where there's NO HAMAS WHATSOEVER? Oh, and I bet that you pronounce it as "Khamas" too as per what your Jewish dictionary told you!

^^I bet you call these "sElF-dEfEnSe!!!" too, riiiigggghhhht???

1 up, 5d
Keep proving my point, the more you spew antisemitic bs the more you prove me right.
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