I wish to further explain my perspective. It is not just our responsibility to point out errors or try to guide others through the darkness: at some point we must walk the talk. We cannot hide behind memes and words.
It was their choice to make such a stand. They found it necessary to provide a mirror reflection of what it means to have become disabled by war. Which is fine. However, that was an inappropriate venue. They chose to stand and flout the rules of the cemetery where our brothers and sisters are buried.
When someone decides to make a stand by participating in a photo opportunity for a political candidate as a representative of a demographic, then that person needs to accept responsibility for that image. They planted a seed in the subconscious of other disabled people by holding up a mirror and pointing, "this is who you should be" which is the basest level of consciousness. I do not like being manipulated at any level. And I get extra protective when I know my fellow man is being manipulated at the subconscious level: because that is attempting to change others at the atomic level.