Blocked repulse because he thinks he’s cool by insulting me when he doesn’t do jack shit but comment and doesn’t even think about inspiration from other people I’m just really tired of his f**king shit dude can’t really deal with people f**king down talking my f**king art because they are trying to defend someone and then won’t stop following me for at least a f**king month and he follows me I can tell because I have the memechat option next to the block button
Yeah and he’s being a f**king asshole which is why I don’t really like to talk with you that much after you decide to sic him on me like a feral dog he’s disrespectful, a piece of shit, and has nothing better to do than ruin people’s f**king days and simp for Cilpz I’m just f**king tired of interacting with him
0 ups, 6mo,
1 reply
[deleted] M
0 ups, 6mo
-_- wow the alt im not stupid anymore but tbh im just gunna block you again till you calm tf down
0 ups, 6mo,
1 reply
[deleted] M
0 ups, 6mo
I’ve had CC for a good bit and all you do is comment so if you think you could draw better then get tf out and it’s not a clone it’s called inspiration
Yes, fun (or painful if you figure it out the hard way) fact, if you put salt in an open wound it will burn, I believe this is because salt draws the moisture from your blood I havn't studied it, basically the same reason salt kills snails/slugs