Want to make sure you get your therian info from a therian, not an anti, since you seem like an ally.
1. Most therians just feel a connection to that animal or feel like we were them in a past life. We know we are physically human, but we can go through shifts where we have memories, senses, or urges of our theriotype (the animal or animals we are connected to). Most therians will have shifts, but some have more than others, and some have none.
2. Therians are often confused with furries, but they are different things. Some therians are furries, but most aren’t.
3. TW: for EDs, depressseion, and self harm: Therianthropy isn’t a mental illness, but because it’s so misunderstood and discriminated, it can sadly lead many to mental illnesses like depression and Eating Disorders, as well as self harm
4. A lot of therians have overlap into other marginalized communities such as lgbtq and neurodivergent
Therians are never just therians. It’s an important part of who they are, but it’s just that: a part. All therians have their own individual interests, habits, and life. (For example, I also like D&D, art, meming, watching YouTube, hanging out with my friends, and babysitting)just remember you can never tell who someone is just because they are a therian.
Hope this helped (also our community needs more allies so imma upvote som of your stuff :3)