That was my tactic. It was all I had in the beginning. I started with dictionary definitions and went from there. 6 of the 7 of them required a sex act, so I figured censored genitals were permissible. The global mod's definition of pornography included exposed nipples, genitals and buttholes, which means redacting them with censored bars, etc wouldn't be allowed because it would be considered censored pornography. But since you can't see under a censored bar, placing a black bar over a bikini would be considered censored pornography.
Worse yet, the TOS some people are so fond of beating me over the head with states that pornography is prohibited even if private parts are covered. If a nipple is pornography, a covered nipple is censored pornography. Therefore every pic of a clothed woman facing the camera is censored pornography. I'm waiting on a clarification, but as of now imgflip's official position governing acceptable horny content is a derailed train full of dumpster fires. I know what will fly and what won't, but that doesn't help everyone left taking their cues from TOS.
This would be moot if I would just leave well enough alone, but that's not my style. I'm bound and determined to get a clear, unambiguous, comprehensive answer one way or the other. Everyone on both sides of the issue deserves that.