There exists two fundamental forces, energies. Mortal energy and Immortal or Divine energy.
Mortal energy is weak, limited in power, but, through sheer determination, it is unlimited in potential.
Mortals are too weak to manifest it, but it is possible to observe it. Some call it willpower, some call it adrenaline, but I call it... The Human Spirit.
What if it could be manifested? How does it look like?
It's an unstable flame of pure potential. Mortal Energy manifests as a crackling, unstable flame with deep red and black. The flame appears with tongues of fire that flicker and lash out unpredictably. The flames crackle with an almost electrical energy, shooting sparks of black and red.
Divine Energy is incredibly strong, too strong to be contained. It is the force that moves the world. But, it cannot grow any further than it can. Once reached the maximum, it cannot go further. Gods can fight endlessly, but in the end, the one with stronger divine energy wins.
Gods manifest it continuously in their own powers. But how does it look neutrally? With no influence of Gods?
Divine Energy takes the form of a pure, radiant light. It glows with a soft, golden-white haze, symbolizing its perfection and purity. It glows gently and floats almost like a liquid.
But... What if you combine these two?
You get Nexus Energy.
The infinite potential of Mortal energy combined with the infinite power of Divine, you get an unstoppable force, no vessel can withstand.
A swirling vortex of a golden-white and deep crimson with streaks of deep black and vibrant violet surrounding it, with vibrant hues surrounding the whole as an aura.
There exists no mortal that can manifest Mortal energy and no God that can manifest uninfluenced Divine Energy, but one being, neither mortal, neither immortal but at the same time both, that can manifest them.