As many mods know, people who get banned or have comments removed often tell half truths and leave out a lot of the story if they complain about it later.
This user claimed they were trying to speed run getting banned on LGBTQ. They mainly went with the “there is only 2 genders” which they decided to say to genderfluid and transgender peeople and that “people are the gender they are born as” to the same transgender person.
Our official stance is that gender identity and biological sex are two different things, and gender identity can be chosen/changed if needed. We enforce theses standards to keep the stream a safe space for our users who don't identify with their assigned/assumed birth gender. I am not here to debate gender. I am just here to explain our side of the story.
Me and another owner/mod took care of removing the comments. I got tired of giveing detailed responses, so I gave one joke response for why a comment got removed. Officially I removed it under our no drama rule. We will sometimes remove additional comments if they are connected to an incident or if we feel like it's something that could cause additional drama. In this case, it's because it's a comment connected to the incident.