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Cat OCs please, and no one word responses. Have fun!

291 views Made by Reiko_Writes_Fanfic 2 months ago in Role_Play
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made w/ Imgflip meme maker
Ryefeather(recently recovering from said disease): *watching the gathering from a farther distance, licking his paw*
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Wildflower: Ah, I understand. I remember when I caught a fever right before I had my kits. *The She-Cat purred good-naturedly* I don’t think I’ve ever been the same since *Despite the bright conversation, it was clear there was something else Wildflower wanted to talk about; an almost uncomfortable undertone like the Queen was on edge with the conversation*
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Ryefeather: *nods* "Yeah...Well, I suppose it happens...Are you alright?"
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Wildflower: oh, um, yes, I’m alright! *She looked over at Jaywing* I guess I’m just, well . . . That poor little kitten; becoming a full fledged med cat so young. And he’s blind too . . . *Wildflower sighed, a pitying look in her soft amber eyes as she stared at the blind silver tabby*
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Ryefeather: "Indeed...I hope Starclan can guide them...Shadowclan can't take another blow..."
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*Wildflower nodded and sighed before dipping her head to Ryefeather*
Wildflower: it was nice to talk with you, Ryefeather. May Starclan light your path
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Ryefeather: "And may Starclan light yours as well."
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*a skinny Windclan app bounded over, followed by a pretty a Riverclan app and a cat who looked like her brother*
Rabbitpaw: hey! What’s going on? Where’re Briarstar and Scorchwing?
Minnowpaw: why’s your medicine cat sitting with the leaders?
Ripplepaw: *shyly* is Jaypaw ok? He’s all alone
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Ryefeather: *yawns* "What are you...Oh...Scorchwing and Briarstar...Have joined the ranks of Starclan..."
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Rabbitpaw, Minnowpaw: What?! *The three apprentices looked shocked, eyes wide in disbelief. Ripplepaw looked back at Jaywing, eyes filled with sympathy*
Ripplepaw: poor Jaypaw. he must be feeling awfully alone . . . *Minnowpaw turned to her litter mate disapprovingly*
Minnowpaw: didn't you say he talks to himself though? that doesn't sound like someone who's alone *the pretty she-cat tossed her head and looked back at Ryefeather* so you're med-cat is now your leader?
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Ryefeather: *nods* "Yes...We were struck with illness..."
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Rabbitpaw: *nervously* b-but it’s gone now, r-right? Nobody else is gonna get it, right?
Minnowpaw: calm down, Rabbitpaw. It would have to pass between either Thunderclan or us before it reaches your clan
Ripplepaw: are you alright Ryefeather?
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Ryfeather: "Right enough...Still recovering.."
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Rabbitpaw: *Nervously* r-recovering?! *a tall Windclan warrior came over, her dappled torbi coat shining in the pale moonlight*
Wildflower: what’s all this? Are you bothering a warrior with questions, Rabbitpaw? *Minnowpaw and Ripplepaw snickered to themselves at the sight before freezing as another voice came from behind them*
Foxclaw: and what’re you two laughing at? *the Riverclan deputy looked at the two apps, who bowed their heads and looked away. Wildflower and Foxclaw shared a look before moving to usher their apps away. Wildflower turned back to Ryefeather with an apologetic smile*
Wildflower: I’m sorry about Rabbitpaw. He doesn’t know when to keep his nose out of other people’s business
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Ryefeather: "It's no trouble..."
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Wildflower: how are you feeling? I heard you were recovering from illness
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Ryefeather: "I'm doing better, thank you..." *licks his paw* "Just...Tired...I'm not able to bounce back like I used to."
0 ups, 2mo,
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Stoatpaw (The picrew didn't have an option for it, but it's missing one of its front legs) took a spot towards the front of the gathered crowd, sitting tall and proud despite the weakened state of its Clan. It subtly bared its teeth at the scattered groups of muttering cats. ~The nerve of these cats.~ it thought. ~Sure circumstances aren't ideal but who the heck are /they/ to judge?~ The apprentice forced its bristling fur flat. It had spent a long time cleaning itself up to look presentable.
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*Ivystar took a deep breath before speaking, addressing all the cats firmly, yet not hostilely*
Ivystar: Shadowclan has experienced some, rough times. we were plagued by a sickness we were not familiar with, and many of our members, joined the ranks of Starclan *Ivystar paused to let the murmering die down* due to this sickness we lost both our leader, Briarstar, and her deputy, Scorchwing. this had never happened before, but we as a clan came to the conclusion that after the rank of deputy came medicine cats in the power structure. Because of this, I have become Shadowclan's new leader *murmurs arose from the clans once again, and Ivystar waited patiently to continue* my apprentice, Jaypaw, has now become Shadowclan's Medicine Cat. His name is now Jaywing- *immediately, cats began to break out into yowls of shock or protest*
Deerheart (TC): You can't do that to him! Wasn't he only just apprenticed two moons ago?!
Moonshine (WC): he's practically a kit! You're trusting a KIT to be a MED CAT?! *Jaywing stood up angrily*
Jaywing: *Shouting over the noise* I'm not a kit! *The young blind cat began to pad forward to stand in front of all the clans near his leader, but an app Stoatpaw recognized from Riverclan stuck her tail out last minute and caused Jaywing to trip and fall face down. there was a heartbeat of silence before the protesting started up again, even louder than before*
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Stoatpaw sat listening to its leader rather patiently considering its previous yowling. It lowered its head respectfully at the mention of Briarstar and Scorchwing, flinching at the reminder of how much chaos that briefly caused.
Then Jaywing was mentioned.
Stoatpaw had expected protest but not to this level. Its ears pinned back. It shuffled to the side a bit as Jaywing stood. ~StarClan's sake these cats have no respect.~ Although the tom couldn't see it, Stoatpaw gave him a firm nod of agreement before he stepped forward.
Square over a cat's tail.
The apprentice bristled with hostility. It took a lot of restraint to respect the gathering truce and not claw that fish eater right then and there. Instead, it stepped toward her just to hiss, before looking over Jaywing. Helping him up or fretting over him would only prove his incompetence further to these cats, it thought. So it simply shot him the sharp whisper of "You okay?"
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*Jaywing got to his feet a little shakily and spit out some dirt from his mouth. He hissed, fur bristling before making himself stand tall again*
Jaywing: *hissing* I’m just, *the silver tabby stopped, taking a deep breath before relaxing his fur* fine *The little med cat continued to walk forward, a little slower this time and with an almost ethereal air about him. He seemed, older, wiser even, and walked with the poise of a cat that had seen/experienced many tragedies rather than a small, blind, 8 moon old kitten. He sat down at the base of the tree, staring out at the other cats with a calm, collected expression (He wasn’t ACTUALLY staring, but other cats swore, sometimes Jaywing looked at them with such precision that it was hard to believe that he was blind). He cleared his throat and tilted his head slightly* May I have permission to say something, Ivystar? Other leaders?
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Stoatpaw gave the RiverClan apprentice one last hiss before returning to its spot beside Ripplepaw. Its ears pricked attentively.
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*The leaders looked at each other for a moment before looking back down at Jaywing*
Silverstar: you may . . . *Jaywing nodded and straightened his head again before addressing the clans before him*
Jaywing: hi. For those of you who don’t know who I am, My name is Jaywing. I’m 8 moons old and I’m blind. I’m also Shadowclan’s Medicine Cat *he paused maybe to think about what he was saying next, or maybe just for “dramatic effect”* I hear your doubts, and I can understand why you say those things, but believe it or not, neither my age nor physical impairments actually are setbacks. I’m a lot more capable than you think *Jaywing paused, ears pricking up as if he heard something. He waited before slowly turning to a bush behind him and slowly stalking over to it. A few cats began whispering to each other, confused and concerned by Jaywing’s behavior. Jaywing ducked into the bush before sharply pulling back with a bundle of something red and furry in his jaws almost as big as he was; an injured, whimpering fox cub*
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Stoatpaw sat up, nodding to the crowd as Jaywing spoke as if any cat were watching it. If any cat knew the young tom was capable, it was the cat always showing up in his den for phantom limb complaints and scrapes from getting just a bit too cocky while out hunting. Which made that twitchy little kit actually standing up for himself all the more impressive. A proper smile began to tug at Stoatpaw's lips.
Then, Jaywing paused, and that smile shifted. First to confusion. Why was he so focused on a bush. Then, a look akin to disgust as the cub was revealed. Its fur bristled. What was that beast doing here? Interrupting important matters, that's what. Stoatpaw stumbled over as fast as its three paws would allow. "Careful! Put that thing down!" It snapped.
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Jaywing: *muffled* I know what it is! *The small med cat put the fox down, the pitiful scrap of fur trembling and shaking. dirt and something that smelled like blood matted its fur. Jaywing frowned and sniffed it as older cats began to approach the three small figures* it's scared. the blood isn't its own and there's no trace of a mother fox anywhere *Jaywing turned to the leaders and deputies* something hunted down the mother and other kits. it's fox blood, but this kit has no wounds *he looked back at the fox, mumbling* . . . it's alone . . .
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"For the best it's alone. Means no bigger foxes are gonna come looking for it." it scoffed. It made no sense to Stoatpaw, Jaywing's sympathy for the tiny beast. Things like that grow up to kill warriors. Its fur prickled at the thought. "What do you expect us to do with it?"
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Jaywing: *sharply* I don't know! it just seems awful harsh to kill it! *Jaywing's strange accent came out a little more when he snapped, small tail lashing crossly. one of the Thunderclan warriors scoffed and looked back at Ivystar*
Roseheart: don't you hear this, Ivystar? your new MeDiCiNe CaT wants to spare a fox! this just shows how young and naive he is! *a fluffy Windclan cat, the med cat, stepped forward slightly, looking at Roseheart with stern green eyes*
Marshmeadow: it's not him being naive, Roseheart. it's a med cat's duty to care for the injured *the older cat looked at Jaywing warmly* I believe Jaywing is only thinking of the wellbeing of a living creature *Pandapaw hissed*
Pandapaw: foxes eat cats though. why should we spare a predator of ours?
Jaywing: well, what reason do we have to kill it? *Jaywing sniffed the fox's fur again* it's not hurt, so it's not like it'd be a mercy kill
Pandapaw: so what d'you suggest we do, heal it? hah! have fun getting eaten *Jaywing hissed at Pandapaw, who snarled back and crouched in a fighting stance. Ivystar jumped down between the two apprentices*
Ivystar: enough *both apps backed down, still irritated with each other and claws flexing* Stoatpaw and Roseheart are right. I appreciate your empathy, but we can't risk it growing up and hunting down our cats *Jaywing hung his head, fur fluffed up in agitation and embarrassment* we should kill this fox quickly, before anything else happens
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Stoatpaw glared at Pandapaw. Oh the last thing it'd ever want to do was side with her, but she was arguably being more logical. Why was this so difficult and weird? Its eyes darted between the gathered cats, tail swishing back and forth as though it were being surrounded by hostiles. In a way, it was.
"It's either that we kill it or chase it off and let StarClan decide how it fares on its own." It did its very best to level out its tone, but was struggling.
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*Cats whisper to one another, staring at the incredibly small amount of Shadowclan cats that had come to the gathering island. Ivystar was talking in hushed tones with the other leaders, Acornheart was introducing himself to the other deputies, and Jaywing was being bombarded with questions from both warriors (adult cats) and apprentices alike. The small blind med cat suddenly ducked away and scampered over to Stoatpaw, almost hiding behind him*
Jaywing: hide me, I can’t take much more of this
0 ups, 2mo,
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(Shoot I thought I replied to this yesterday sorry for making you wait. Also hi again, it's the guy wjho played Weaselspots in one of your earlier roleplays!)

Stoatpaw fluffed up, a bit startled by the company of its former denmate. It held that fluff in an attempt to hide him, giving him a slight tap to the shoulder with its tail in wordless assurance.
"One heck of a night tonight, eh? As if we aren't dealing with enough inside messes." It muttered, glancing down at Jaywing. It was believable that Stoatpaw was talking to itself if anyone heard, but it didn't want to not make conversation.
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(No worries! I do the same thing all the time lol)
*Jaywing nodded in agreement and crouched down behind the apprentice. Ivystar looked back towards the med cats, frowning at Jaywing’s absence. She looked over at Ripplepaw (RC med cat app), conversing with him in a low tone. Ripplepaw nodded and stood, padding over the soft pine needles around the gathering island. Seems like they had an informant (Granted, Ripplepaw was always pretty chill and respectful, even to younger cats. Come to think of it, Jaywing was kinda like same way. Huh, must be a grey tabby thing)*
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"Think Ripplepaw's got a search warrant." Stoatpaw muttered, watching the RiverClan cat out of the corner of its eye. If it still had its other leg, maybe it'd be able to put up a more defensive shield for Jaywing. Still, Ripplepaw was polite enough. Maybe this wouldn't escalate. Maybe Stoatpaw wouldn't be the one to cause said escalation for once.
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Jaywing: eh? What about Ripplepaw? *the smaller cat’s mew was soft and melodic, not the same as any of the clan cats, like the sound of tumbling water. Stoatpaw never actually figured out why that is, because no one seemed to want to talk about it, but whatever it was, every cat took notice. Jaywing blinked his sightless green eyes, oblivious to the strange tones in his voice being noticed by others*
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"He's looking for you." it hummed. "Or at least, Ivystar sent him to do something."
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Jaywing: *grumbling* Ivystarrrrr *the young cat huffed, fur fluffing up in irritation* I don’t need to be watched by someone like a kit! *Ripplepaw poked his head around a Thunderclan warrior before heading over to Stoatpaw and Jaywing*
Ripplepaw: Jaypaw! *the RC tabby padded over, purring* hello!
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"JayWING." The three-legged apprentice corrected forcing its fur flat. Jaywing was spotted now. Not much point in trying to hide him. Stoatpaw leveled out its tone. "Hello, Ripplepaw."
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Ripplepaw: ah, right. Sorry, I didn’t know your name yet! *The grey mackerel tabby purred, and Jaywing forced a positive reaction onto his face and held his tail high* Hi Stoatpaw
Jaywing: That’s ok. Not really anyone does know yet *Jaywing sighed and shook himself off* how are you?
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Stoatpaw's whiskers twitched. "Could be worse. Could also be a lot better." The apprentice's eyes narrowed. Stoatpaw never had been the most approachable cat. It had been insistent on avoiding outside help during the epidemic, as if the input of a barely 8 moon old apprentice held any weight. Even now, going on 10 moons, its sense of self-importance hadn't quite deflated.
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Jaywing: *Softly, so only Stoatpaw could hear* it, might sound strange, but . . . You know how cats can have visions? From Starclan? *The grey tabby med cat fidgeted slightly, tail flicking uncertainly* well, I kinda have these, um, voices? In my head? They guide me on what to do, and stuff, but I don’t think any cat has had something like this all the time *he stopped to stare unseeingly at his clanmate, frame looking very small against the vast mountains in the background*
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Stoatpaw's brow scrunched. Voices in the head? It couldn't say it was all to unfamiliar with thoughts as vocal as its own, but that wasn't what Jaywing meant, was it. No, if he could have his little muttered conversations with these that was... weird. Different.
"I mean... yeah, I've never heard of anything like that. Then again I'm not a medicine cat so guiding voices aren't exactly my area of expertise." it peered down at him. "Did you tell Ivystar about this? Any of the other medicine cats?" This wouldn't exactly be so out of the ordinary if he had though, would it. If they'd told him it was normal.
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*Jaywing’s pelt prickled with embarrassment and he slowly shook his head ‘no’. He shifted his weight and continued in a low tone*
Jaywing: not exactly . . . I, didn’t want to worry Ivystar about it during the sickness, and this was basically only my 2nd gathering ever *Jaywing drew a forepaw across the ground, thinking* the voices, they’re not really bad, they’re just . . . Always kinda there
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Stoatpaw thought for a moment. "Well... i think with the chaos dying down, Ivystar should get to know. But otherwise if they aren't hurting anyone or... doing anything to you, I don't see much of an issue." it paused for a moment. "...Thank you for telling me." What an unnecessary addition. Its tailtip twitched.
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*Jaywing relaxed a little bit before touching his muzzle to Stoatpaw's shoulder. for a blind cat of 8 moons old, he was certainly skilled on how to navigate the world. he stood up and began walking with Stoatpaw back to the rest of the group. he seemed, maybe not happier, necessarily, but definitely more relieved. he didn't speak for the rest of the journey, but the silence wasn't an uncomfortable one; more like a calming kind of silence*
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The chatter of the other ShadowClan cats hardly reached the apprentice's ears. Stoatpaw had never actively sought out friendships. Any cat who so much as tolerated it was welcomed to. Yet here it was, walking silently through the forest with a cat it could almost consider a genuine friend. ShadowClan's (self-declared) future leader and its medicine cat.
~Good to keep that relationship positive early on. Friendly relations with high ranks means less opposition when you join them.~ Ever ambitious was the stoat. With a condition such as its missing limb, Stoatpaw has spent its life clawing for respect and attention. For skill and, indeed, power. A young cat who had to fight to keep its role as a warrior's apprentice before the sickness hit. Before making it step down would only be a detriment to a Clan in need of healthy, willing warriors. It earned its life. It deserved ambition.
But right now. Just for right now, it didn't want it.
Right now, quiet comfort was enough.
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*Jaywing sighed as they walked through the forest. He stopped walking to face the many small mounds of dirt, each one topped with a single spring of rosemary; Shadowclan’s first official resting place. The young cat stared with such accuracy and emotion that it was hard to believe his bright green eyes were incapable of sight. He walked over to one of the mounds, a large one with 4 smaller mounds surrounding it; Jaywing’s mother*
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Stoatpaw padded past the mounds with solemn acknowledgment. It gave extra care to adjust the little twig set atop one belonging to its first mentor. Bristlebush had not been the gentlest mentor, but she pushed it to where it was now. She was strong and harsh and imposing. The shining example of a ShadowClan warrior. But, it supposed strength didn't matter much to sickness. Bristlebush was just another body to take and destroy. She'd denied Stoatpaw the right to mope over her. It honored that without protest.
It moved on, trailing after Jaywing to his little cluster of heaps. A family, mother and kits. It tried to ignore the clench in its stomach.
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(It's also an herb that in the warriors cannon that they use to cover up the scent of death)
*Jaywing sighed as he touched his nose to one of the mounds, one of the smallest ones, breathing in the scent of earth and rosemary. even with the herbs and freshly turned earth, the stench of death and sickness was still lingering as the young cat fought the urge to recoil. This was Sagekit, a kit he had helped her mother give birth too when he was barely older than a kit himself. Jaywing let out a shaky breath before stepping back to stand next to Stoatpaw. he squared his shoulders, exhaling slowly before speaking*
Jaywing: . . . there's so much death scent . . . we're never going to recover from this, are we Stoatpaw?
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Stoatpaw had been trying to ignore the smell, trying to focus on the rosemary rather than the pungent scent of decay. Now that it was acknowledged, it couldn't deny its presence. Its muzzle wrinkled.
"It takes time to recover. One day we will." It assured. And if ShadowClan didn't heal on its own, Stoatpaw would fix it.
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*Immediately the debate started, cats arguing whether or not to kill the little fox. suddenly, a flash of ginger hopped down, and the sharp smell of iron hit everycat's nose. Thistlestar had jumped down, biting into the fox's neck and killing the creature in one swift blow. other cats backpedaled and Jaywing got knocked back directly into Stoatpaw*
Jaywing: uff! *he shook his head, sitting up dizzily like he had suddenly gotten a massive headache*
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Stoatpaw, knocked to its bad side, scrambled for balance, nose scrunching against the tangy smell of blood. "StarClan's sake!" It grumble-yelled as it finally regained some footing, still teetering on unbalanced paws. It shot a sharp look at Thistlestar, spitting out a bit of dust before hissing, "Was that /really/ necessary?" It glanced to Jaywing, placing itself almost defensively beside him.
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Thistlestar: you, should’ve gotten out of the way *The strong ginger tom wasn’t thin or lean like most Windclan cats; he was strong, more like Thunderclan or Shadowclan. Jaywing’s ears flattened and he hissed*
Jaywing: *Finally losing his composure* well I can’t exactly do that if I can’t SEE you, now can I!? *Thistlestar turned back around, head so close to Jaywing’s that their muzzles were practically touching. Jaywing didn’t flinch, simply blinking slowly. Thistlestar hissed at the young cat, who didn’t flinch at all. Instead, with surprising accuracy, he held the WC leader’s gaze* if you don’t mind, might you think about moving back a few pawsteps? I can’t exactly sense anything around me when all I can hear and smell is your breath
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Stoatpaw took in a deep breath. ~Get it together, fleas-for-brains. You're a warrior. You can handle a little crowd.~ it hissed at its own flimsiness. It stared up at Thistlestar, and it was reminded its puffed-up tail might just be justified.
And yet, Stoatpaw's grin returned after a moment, just watching Jaywing. Thistlestar was scary, even a cat like Stoatpaw could admit that. But seeing the shaky little medicine kit hold his own against a cat like that? Well, it supposed Jaywing couldn't really see the beast he was staring up at. It sucked air through its teeth, and wrestled back its pride. ~Scary or not, Thistlestar is challenging ShadowClan's medicine cat. He ought to know better.~ "I'd suggest you listen to our medicine cat, Thistlestar."

(Gathering Report: Disabled teenagers talk down to president of another country.)
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(LMFAO-! At this point, it's like a middle schooler and his grade schooler brother)
*Thistlestar snarled, drawing a paw back before getting pushed back by Mintblaze and his deputy. Acornheart stepped between the two Shadowclan cats and the angry leader, pushing his clanmates back a few steps to put some space between them*
Acornheart: Enough. this is a night of peace, not argument *The ShC dep looked at all of the cats before him, standing in between Ivystar and Jaywing (who was in between Acornheart and Stoatpaw, so they were all kinda in a line)* Each clan's leadership decisions are their own and are not something to be meddled with by others. if everyone's reports are done, I believe this gathering is over? *Ivystar nodded, glaring at Thistlestar*
Ivystar: yes. Shadowclan, let's go
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As Thistlestar drew back, so did Stoatpaw. Gathering truce. Like that was going to work out every time. The mistletoe that clung to the branches of the trees rustled amongst the leaves they sapped on. Strange that a parasite would be a sign for peace.
But of course, the deputies stepped in and no fight broke out, and claws were sheathed and pelts forced flat. And somewhere at the back of Stoatpaw's mind, it was almost relieved.
Stoatpaw gave one last indignant spit to the ThunderClan cats before whirling around to follow after Ivystar. Wasn't this a fun, welcoming first night back? At the very least it lived up to Stoatpaw's hopes of it being eventful.

(Fun lil fact: I mention mistletoe because I am super normal about plant symbolism. In some druid cultures, mistletoe is used to mark a place where no violence can take place.)
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(ooh~ nice!)
*Jaywing padded alongside Stoatpaw, unseeing gaze fixed on the ground seemingly in thought. he muttered to himself, the words mumbled and hardly understandable. this doesn't mean all of it was unintelligible though*
Jaywing: *softly* . . . I can't believe that he would lunge like that . . . I know, foxes are bad. but still- . . . no, no, I know . . . he came at me, I couldn't fight him! . . . oh shush already . . . *it almost sounded like it was a conversation- but, that'd be weird, right? who in the world would he be conversing with? it clearly wasn't Stoatpaw*
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The apprentice's eyes narrowed. "You... alright there, Jaywing?" Stoatpaw gave the smaller cat a gentle nudge. "Thistlestar shake you up a little?" It added as a workaround for Jaywing. If it was personal, oh well.
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Jaywing: *looking up* what? Oh, um, yes, fine . . . *He fixed his gaze ahead, falling silent for a bit* . . . Hey Stoatpaw? Can I ask you something?
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It tilted its head slightly, before joining Jaywing in staring ahead. "What is it?"
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*Ripplepaw purred, almost like he found the two Shadowclan cats amusing. Ripplepaw himself was of warrior age, he just simply hadn’t received his medicine cat name yet. Jaywing laid his tail on Stoatpaw’s, although it wasn’t clear if it was to make Stoatpaw feel better, or more for his own comfort. Despite holding the most seniority among the three cats, Jaywing was both the smallest and the youngest (weirdly, this didn’t seem to bother Ripplepaw - a t a l l - . It was as if he thought it was cute)*
Ripplepaw: I’m glad you’re doing fine! *Ripplepaw then turned to Jaywing, his body and voice clearly softening like you would if you were talking to an app who was only just yesterday a kit (although, to be fair, Jaywing did both look and sound like a very mature kit)* so how are you feeling about being a full fledged medicine cat? Is it difficult?
Jaywing: *forcedly polite* It’s fine. I still have other cats I can go to for advice. My clan mates are very helpful *Ripplepaw eyed Jaywing and Stoatpaw’s tails for a quick second before looking back at the blind apprentice*
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"I just hope these cats here get their act together after this Gathering's done. They're muttering like we just waltzed in with foxes for warriors!" Stoatpaw raised its voice a bit, intending to be heard but not quite noticed. It glanced around briefly before looking back to Ripplepaw. "I take it RiverClan's doing just fine?" Why wouldn't it be. The luxury of the river was not one every cat got. Not that Stoatpaw wanted those filthy fish. Blegh.
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Ripplepaw: oh yes, we’re doing fine. Plenty of prey swimming in the rivers! *Ripplepaw looked back behind him, looking at the other med cats and their apps. A brown, black, and white calico she-cat was scowling at them, her gaze specifically fixed on Jaywing. The blind med cat blinked, feeling a chill run down his spine at the glare even though he couldn’t see it. Ripplepaw purred in amusement* seems like Pandapaw’s developed a vendetta against you Jaywing *Jaywing frowned*
Jaywing: what IS a Panda anyway?
Ripplepaw: according to her it’s a big black and white bear, but I don’t know if she’s telling the truth or not. She’s not clan born though, and she kept her name from when she was still a loner
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Stoatpaw rolled its eyes at Ripplepaw's report before following his gaze to Pandapaw. It briefly bared its teeth back at her. Not even Clanborn thinking she could give them that look. The gall. "Definitely some weird kittypet nonsense if I've never heard of it." it sniffed.
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Jaywing: Her brother’s in Thunderclan, right? They went to separate clans? *Ripplepaw nodded as Pandapaw hissed and turned away. Jaywing muttered something to himself, paused, and muttered something again. It was something Stoatpaw was quite familiar with, due to being clan mates with the young mackerel tabby; Jaywing having these little, mostly silent conversations with himself. No one ever acknowledged it, just like they never acknowledged his accent, his appearance, his mannerisms and other strange qualities. It’s as if everyone in Shadowclan had taken a vow to never bring it up. Ripplepaw tilted his head curiously, but before he could say anything the leaders started the gathering*
Silverstar (TC): cats of all clans, let us be grateful to Starclan for finally bringing ALL FOUR clans together once again *A few cats murmured their agreement and approval, but some simply looked at Shadowclan with suspicion in their eyes. Silverstar ignored this and continued* Now! Who wishes to start?
0 ups, 2mo,
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The ShadowClan apprentice was used to Jaywing's mutterings. Every time, it leaned in just a bit, just for that chance it'd get to here what he was saying. Out of pure curiosity. But of course, something always interrupted, and this time that something was Silverstar. Stoatpaw's ears pricked up attentively.
It let out a proud yowl as Silverstar announced ShadowClan's return to the gathering island. At least some cats had the heart to welcome them back. When it had finished whooping and hollering and blowing out its companions' ears, it sat back once again to listen, completely dropping interest in the prior conversation.
0 ups, 2mo,
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*Jaywing hissed and his ears flattened, but he didn’t say anything. Thistlestar (WC) cleared his throat and spoke first*
Thistlestar: well, since my clan doesn’t have a lot of explaining to do *He cast a look at Ivystar, which didn’t seem to faze her in the slightest, before continuing* I shall go first. Everything is fine in Windclan; prey is running good and Wildflower’s kits, Rabbitpaw and Blizzardpaw, have just been apprenticed *Two young cats straightened up, a brown tabby Tom with a small fluffy tail and a very pretty white cat that Stoatpaw couldn’t quite figure out the gender of* That is all for Windclan
0 ups, 2mo,
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WindClan. Not all too exciting, though, for their sake maybe that was for the best. Stoatpaw offered Jaywing a light tap of its tail in apology as cats, some not even WindClan, cheered for the new apprentices.
0 ups, 2mo,
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*Silverstar nodded along, tail swishing contentedly. she then began to speak*
Silverstar: Thunderclan is doing well. prey is also good and our cats are healthy *She looked over at the Riverclan leader* Poolstar? *The grey she-cat cleared her throat and also began to speak*
Poolstar: Riverclan is well. nothing much of note. Ivystar?
0 ups, 2mo
Stoatpaw straightened its posture for Ivystar's announcements. No doubt about to be a speech with how much has happened in the past few moons. It glanced to Jaywing.
0 ups, 2mo,
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Jaywing: *simply* not without taking in loners *The smaller cat tilted his head to "look" at Stoatpaw* our gene pool is too small. Thunderclan may get scorned for taking in so many cats, but in retrospect, they were strategic. too many of our cats are kin; soon, we all will be
0 ups, 2mo,
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It frowned. Unfortunately, Jaywing wasn't wrong. "If it's for the best I won't argue. The problem comes down to finding willing cats." It muttered, tail twitching.
0 ups, 2mo,
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*Jaywing didn’t respond, but he nodded slightly. Fuzzyheart walked over to the two young cats, a stern look on her normally kind face*
Fuzzyheart: Jaywing, Stoatpaw, what’re you doing out here so late?
0 ups, 2mo,
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Stoatpaw pricked up, whipping around to look up at Fuzzyheart “Nothing, Fuzzyheart. Just talking.” It held its tone as stable as possible. Fuzzyheart was a good cat. She didn’t deserve to be snapped at.
0 ups, 1mo,
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*Jaywing nodded and Fuzzyheart tilted her head to the side*
Fuzzyheart: well, come on, lets get back to camp. it's late, and you two need sleep *the She-Cat sighed and licked both cat between the ears, Jaywing flinching uncharacteristically at the touch before heading back swiftly. Fuzzyheart frowned, tail twitching in confusion and concern*
0 ups, 1mo,
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Stoatpaw's face scrunched like a stubborn kit as Fuzzyheart licked it. It turned to Jaywing. "We ought to go. You especially need sleep." Everyone had firsthand experience with how exhausting medicine cat work could be. Still, that was at its absolute worst. Maybe by comparison usual duties were a breeze. Stoatpaw supposed it would never know.
0 ups, 1mo,
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*once again, Jaypaw nodded and didn't respond. he touched his muzzle to Stoatpaw's shoulder and muttered something that the tripod cat assumed was 'good night' before padding off into the med cat den; his den. Fuzzyheart looked after the small tabby tom and sighed before going off to the warriors den and entering it wordlessly. in the dark, the empty camp looked haunted, hollow . . . empty . . .*
0 ups, 1mo,
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For a while, Stoatpaw stood there in the hollow silence.
~We need sleep. They might put us on the dawn patrol.~ The thought never quite made it to the front of its mind.
+Wow. For a Clan this place sure is empty...+ A new tone of thought. A different voice. Less cold. Rather, almost... disappointed. As if it had been eagerly expecting a massive army rather than the reality of Camp looking completely empty. Maybe there was a part of Stoatpaw that remembered when it /was/ like that. Back when it was a kit just barely allowed out of the nursery. When even a small hunting patrol looked like a battalion.
It didn't have time for new trains of thought or fretting over a time moons past. Its headspace was chatty enough and starting to get foggy with sleep anyways. It trodded off to the apprentices' den and slumped into its nest.
0 ups, 1mo,
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*now that Jaywing slept in the Med den, the only other bodies in the app den were Stoatpaw’s kin, a dappled she-cat named Goldenpaw, and an older golden tom with black spots named Leopardpaw. The two young cats were curled up together as if for comfort and they looked almost as if they were simply one big pile of sun colored fur. It was so eerily empty and Stoatpaw could’ve sworn he heard his sister crying softly into Leopardpaw’s body*
0 ups, 1mo
Stoatpaw carefully approached the little golden heap. Stoatpaw had never been particularly close with its siblings. Or at least, not nearly as close as they were with each other. It had served it just fine, training on its own without that additional distraction. Still, it made softer stuff like this... awkward to say the least. Somehow it was easier to comfort cats it hadn't known its whole life. At least strangers were easier to get to know. A cat is supposed to know its littermates from the start.
It sat back on its haunches and gently prodded Goldenpaw with its front paw. "You... alright. There?" It whispered hesitantly.
0 ups, 2mo,
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(you there big man?)
0 ups, 1mo
(Yes, hello, I am finally back)
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