When they first found it, they found the baby version, they fought that it was supposed to be that small and the colour (brown) so they experimented on it and did stuff and in a month it looked like the aboriginal flag so they said they would represent it! later the year they found many more and breed them, when they had over 200 they let them go into the wild so they can breed them selves, over the years people would want them for there meat, they would hunt them also other animal would hunt and kill them (such as Tasmanian tigers, Tasmanian devils and more!) we lost many brush turkeys so they made a rule, DO NOT TOUCH THEM THEY ARE A RARE SPECIES IF YOU TOUCH THEM YOU WILL GO TO JAIL!!!!! so yeah thats the rule, anyhow, nobody followed that rule so the turkeys died out to a maximize of 47, they ofc had to breed them again. instead they breed them to a 1000 this time, put them out to the wild and now i have a random brush turkey in my backyard...