Calls their friends "Brothers" (Correct)
Nazi soyjaks (Incorrect)
Spam insults when they see a furry (Sometimes, although they are hated there are many)
Tream broth ruben sim and flashgitz as an anti-furry god (Not in my opinion)
All furries are zoophiles (Incorrect) and porn addicts (Correct)
You right about the Kanye fan soyjaks. Antis need to stop using them or at least use a soyjak that is not dressed up as a Kanye fan. Otheriwse their gonna make people think their fams of the man with the moustache.
most of anti furries starter pack; calls their friends "brothers"; treat both ruben sim and flashgitz as an anti furry god; literally spam insults when they see a furry; most of anti furry soyjaks look like this; "ALL FURRIES ARE ZOOPHILES AND PORN ADDICTS!!"