Today, August 1st, is Lughnasnah, the day of the Sun God
Lugh or Lleu. This is when the harvest begins in Celtic lands.
Modern day pagans bake breads & cakes to celebrate the historical grain harvest (& subsequent bread making). Some observers celebrate with a harvest ritual. This ritual typically involves decorating an altar with symbols of the season. Some of these symbols
include scythes (because they are used to cut the grain), corn, grapes,
apples, &/or any other crops that might be harvested at this time. Some of these rituals involve casting a circle,
& saying some words that symbolize their thanks to the earth for the harvest. After the ritual, everyone there eats some bread together, & may also drink wine to wash it down. To honor Lugh, people make crafts & decorations for their house, to represent his skills in those areas. And as with most sabbats, there is feasting. This feast usually is prepared with
one’s harvested crops at this time (if they have their own garden).