-lost 2020 election; -knowingly lied the 2020 election
was "rigged," "stolen"; -privately confirmed election loss *on tape,* publicly spread the Big Lie; -pressed Georgia election officials *on
tape* to find 11,780 non-existent votes; -participated in multistate effort to
violate the Constitution, obstruct the
Electoral College's constitutionally
mandated duties, disenfranchise voters; -called mob to D.C. -falsely implied Mike Pence had authority to overturn the Electoral College results; -knowingly pumped armed mob with lies
of "stolen," rigged" election; -incited armed mob to "fight like hell"; -directed armed mob to descend on
Capitol; -watched on television as armed mob
waged assault on Capitol Police, forced
entry to Capitol building, disrupted
official federal proceedings with intent
to install himself as POTUS (reads as
"dictator"); -when Mike Pence honored his Oath
to the Constitution, publicly accused
Pence of betraying MAGAt murder mob; -left Mike Pence to the jackals; -delayed deployment of National Guard
until insurrectionists had cried it out, the
Trumper-tantrum was effectively over; -defended, still defends insurrectionists
convicted by juries of their peers as
"hostages," "political prisoners"