it was just a peaceful casual 2fort match (at first) i was testing out these new animation overhauls i downloaded off of gamebanana that was made by a fellow named "kylul" and also using this new spray i downloaded (the spray was of a sign that said "watch your step" with a symbol of a person foot about to step on a sticky bomb)
while i was telling the other team to make sure to check the sign before entering my team's sewer when someone (who i will call dr funny and will not be using his real steam username for reasons of not giving him attention) said exactly "dannkster (me) nobody can see your *F-slur* sign" which i replied to with "woah dude calm down no need to drop the f slur" (dr funny also told me that sprays were disabled (sprays are disable by default but they can be turned on in the advanced settings or in console so they might've been disabled by him and/or most of the server))
after those comments i looked at the scoreboard (as dr funny was on my team) and he was playing scout and he had what looked like a anime girl pfp, at that very moment i now knew why he said the f slur in his comment for no reason, he was a "memelord" scout so which i said "now i see why dr funny said the f slur" then said to dr funny "good job you said a homophobic slur here's your "i'm funny" badge" which dr funny, with his ego broken, tried to call a votekick on me, luckily the server decided not to kick me and take my side, i would reply to the votekick attempt with "dude what the hell" and "why you try to kick me"
i would proceed to call a votekick on dr funny, saying "return to sender" as the votekick started, the server all voted 'yes' on the votekick and dr funny was gone, and then everything proceeded as normal
even though i do not have proof of this it is 100% real (in my defense i did not expect this to happen and could not start recording anything fast enough due to the situation starting and then getting solved fairly quickly)