Lore Tidbits about Stop Cop:
-Stop Cop still hates Morshu, that has not changed
-Stop Cop has a son, not from trying, he just didn't use protection one time
-His son does not know that his dad is a bad cop
-Stop Cop asked to be put in a retirement home not branded in Morshu's name
-Stop Cop, Lee, and Johnson were all born in Canada, but moved to the US due to better opportunities, this is why Lee and Stop Cop thought Chris McLean was an illegal immigrant
-Stop Cop now lives somewhere in Kentucky
-Stop Cop has no regret in what he did to Lego Cop, he thinks "The little Twat deserves it"
-Stop Cop lives with four other senior citizens and three doctors
-Stop Cop has no more evil ambition, only a bucket list