You're right. No choice whatsoever. Anyone who would vote for socialist Harris over freedom loving Trump is mentally challenged, maybe almost as much as Demented Joe.
I've watched socialist Kommie-la for years here in Taxifornia. She's a socialist libtard, and that can't be denied, in spite of her and the media's efforts to scrub her record, right in front of our eyes.
The sheeple don't care. They'd rather vote away their freedom to klowns like Kommie-la.
If being so far to the left is such a good thing, why are they trying to bury her past and make her seem more moderate, more centrist?
As for her record? Let's see if the media will actually dig into that beyond the libtard talking point of her being a prosecutor. She withheld exculpatory evidence. Typical of a libtard. She put people away for smoking and/or possessing small amounts of weed, then tried to act cool like she smokes. In typical libtard style, she wants it both ways. She can't though. The socialist leopard cannot hide its spots for long.