As opposed to necessary dick riding?
How about unnecessary harassment? Oh wait, that's all you do. Well, you fxckers tell me what to do but I have more class than that, so spam away.
6 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
fym "all I do"? take a stroll through my page and show me a harassment image that isn't more than one month old. Also, why are you responding to comments not even on your own post? Just so you know, posting hentai is not considered "classy".
Neither is harassment. MSMG goons accuse me of doing nothing but posting porn so I figured I'd meet them on their own terms. As for responding to comments on other people's posts, by that logic you shouldn't have commented on a post that wasn't yours.
Actually that would make both of us wrong, since logic doesn't play favorites.
0 ups, 9mo,
1 reply
I think you missed the point. You see, there is this thing called "ignoring" where you don't have to respond to comments not really directed towards you that are not on your own post. I assume this is your first time hearing about such a thing.
And I suppose you didn't notice that this meme calls me out by name. And your comment still applies equally to you.
0 ups, 9mo,
2 replies
I don't know why you can't wrap your head around this, but my comment was not directed towards you. This goes to show how you are online way too much. Step outside for once. And if you think I am being hypocritical, I am going to the gym in less than an hour.
If it's confined to its own puddle of toxic waste, no one else has to be exposed to it. It's only harassment when you go out of your way to shove it in someone's face.
Who cares what god thinks, he's a f**king pedophile. Knocking up a 14 year old, encouraging child marriage and codifying how to sell girls into slavery. Your god is such a hateful degenerate groomer scumbag he makes Diddy look like a saint. 🤣