Okay, this'll be long but tl;dr I really really really like you
As far as any negatives go, the only ones I can think of are that you don't always answer immediately which is honestly an unrealistic expectation to begin with, but also that your aromanticism can be frustrating.at times.
To elaborate better, whenever I'm talking to you, I feel happier. It takes a lot for me to say that I'm honestly happy. Even when I'm talking to people I'm "dating", I'm usually dating them because they made the first move and pressured me into it, even if invertedly. You're the first person, online or offline, I think I've developed a crush on first. I think you're genuinely a super sweet, kind, and overall good person. When I picture the perfect partner in life, someone just like you is who pops up.
You can admittedly be awkward and difficult to talk to, but that's just a quirk that comes with the package. I get more frustrated by the fact that you can't be physically with me than the fact you don't respond, since I just want to be with you most the time. Every time I say *kiss* in text, it's because I want to kiss you for real.
It all sounds corny, I know, and I know it's stuff that you might not fully understand, and that's just part of who you are. If you come to realize later that having a partner and a relationship just isn't something for you, then that's fine. I'll be comfortable calling you a friend, especially a close friend or even a best friend. But if you do decide that you're willing to try out the whole "love" thing, just know that I honestly and truthfully love you and will accept you no matter what.