THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NORMAL PEOPLE AND LIBERALS; "Star Wars needs more lesbian space witches! Maybe in wheelchairs!"; PEOPLE WANT GOOD STORIES, LIBERALS WANT GOOD DIVERSITY; "In New York you must vote Democrat or you are a racist traitor and homophonic!"; PEOPLE WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES THAT BOTHER THEM, LIBERALS WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE PEOPLE THAT BOTHER THEM; "You shot a naked black man who broke into your home and stabbed you in the neck? You're looking at 40 years for a hate crime in my court!"; PEOPLE WANT CRIMINALS PUNISHED, LIBERALS WANT VICTIMS PUNISHED; "You'll buy a $90,000 EV after I increase the gas tax to $20 a gallon!"; PEOPLE WANT TO MAKE THEIR OWN PURCHASING DECISIONS, LIBERALS WANT TO MAKE PURCHASING DECISIONS FOR YOU