I was being facicous with this meme in response to conservatives who say "but what about straight pride" they want a straight pride parade to spite the gays and promote their conservative values, they don't need to have a straight pride parade, they have the anti-abortion "march for life". The anti-abortion movement isn't merely about opposing abortion, it is mainly conservatives Christians who don't only oppose abortion but also oppose getting pregnant out of wedlock, oppose having premarital sex (even when no one is getting pregnant) and opposing birth control even though it's effective in preventing abortion and unplanned pregnancy in the first place and opposing gay people even though gays have nothing to do with abortion, think about it, why don't you see a lot of gay people in the "pro-life" movement. The "pro-life" movement in my view is not about human life, not even merely about opposing abortion but more for the traditional Christian family and anti anything that isn't such. My whole point is that the "march for life" is the closest thing to a straight pride parade that conservatives want.