1. Shitpost
A common form of humour found in the internet is referred to as "shitpost". A shitpost is an image of extremely varying degrees of effort. Mostly, they are simple jokes or do not convey a message at all.
2. The connection between cats and shitposts
A common agreement among meme culture participants is that "cats rule the internet", as a lot of content online revolves around feline pets. This is due to their occasional daft or inexplicable behaviour that humans generally find entertaining and/or amusing.
3. Prank images
A common way to initiate a positive response on the online platform "Discord" used for conversations, meetings and information is an image with a translucent triangle on top of it. This emulates the appearance of the video player in Discord. However, when clicking the image, the person who clicked the image gets fooled by the appearance and notices so, as no video plays.
4. The connection
A common image, or type of image, is a picture of a cat accompanied by the text "low intelligence specimen" and the fake play button. The phrase does not refer to the cat, but to the user who could have clicked on the image, believing it was a video, and essentially mocking them.