Here's a pretty interesting (but likely unintentional)
scam I've discovered. TL;DR: RG tallgeese TV version is a scam.
Get yourself an airbrush or spray paint and save some money. In the image above there are two versions of the Real Grade tallgeese, on the left is the Endless Waltz version which showed up in the Gundam wing movie and costs 30 dollars, then on the right is the TV version which as the name implies showed up in the Gundam wing TV show, but it costs OVER 120 DOLLARS. These prices both come from Amazon; It doesn't stop there though, at hobby lobby the cheapest airbrush costs 60 dollars (haven't looked at Amazon). The reason I mention this is because the TV and EW tallgeese both have the EXACT same parts, just with different colors. So by getting an airbrush or spray paint, you save at least 30 bucks AND gain a tool you can use for later projects. On top of that since it's 90 bucks once you add the airbrush you can get ANOTHER tallgeese EW and have both versions of the tallgeese for the same price as just the TV version! I of course won't do that since I prefer the TV version over the EW, but the option is still there.