Sigh…first off
WND is an opinion editorial “paper” with an extreme right wing bias. They became famous/infamous because of they backed the brother conspiracy around Obama. (So not much credibility there.). They have polls such as “should we allow the radical left to replace Independence Day with junteenth.”
So yeah not exactly an unbiased source.
So let’s look at the paper and oh boy is it a Gordian knot of spelling errors, grammatical errors, loaded statements, unverified data, and it’s not even directly collected data but rather data collected through other studies that they picked from. It’s not even a faulty omnibus paper like the one from 2020 it’s just saying they added a bunch of deaths from the studies and don’t even go into detail about each study they pulled from.
What does this translate too? They took a bunch of dead 70.4 year olds who died during other studies and added them up then incorrectly claimed roughly 75% of all covid deaths were caused by the vaccine which even under their own cherry picked data and criteria …that’s not been proven. Even if you took their data at face value that number only applies to critically ill 70 year olds across 44 studies NOT every covid death for EVERY age group.
This also is ignoring the fact that they pulled much of their data from VAERS which accepts any and all reports regardless of true or completely outlandish. You could report to Vaers that the flu shot turned you into a big footed purple dinosaur and it the reporting system would HAVE to accept it. Even inspection 2.2 they list how they did not include any studies with unvaccinated patients.and 2.3 any “data discrepancies” were “discussed and filtered out.” Uh yeah that’s not a scientific method of exclusion you can’t just talk amongst yourself”bed and say “we figured it out trust us bro”. The bare minimum would be “we noticed this data set suggested x however giving repeat testing in y,z and q we believe this to be a discrepancy.”