None of these things are as great as you think. Probably the biggest target I'll take aim at are so-called "gun safety" laws. These are not effective. Period. Why? Well, they'd get along swimmingly if it weren't for the fact that criminals don't tend to follow the law. Instead, they disarm law-abiding citizens and provide soft targets for criminals thus actually creating more danger rather than less of it.
But it's not about the danger at all. It's about disarming citizens so they can't fight back should the government become tyrannical so they're not going to stop no matter how much evidence flies in the face of "gun safety laws." I'll give you a perfect example. Chicago has the strictest gun laws on the books. It's also by far the most dangerous city in the United States and is home to the most outrageous amount of gun violence. Again, this is because criminals know they have disarmed and easy targets to do as they will with.