You guys are all about the sanctity, near-holiness of the Constitution, aren't you? I mean... it's important enough to you, you'd accept someone pasting it into the Bible. So you'd never, ever, *cross your heart & double pinky-swear* support violating it, would you? Of course not!! I know you hardcore MAGA constitutionalists would be tripping over each other in your rush to uphold the High Law established by Article I, Sec. 8, Cl. 1 & Sec. 9, Cl. 7; But just for a moment, let's say -wildly hypothetically- you guys were to... I don't know... look the other way while Dear Leader did something you insist you're against (you're not dishonorable, hypocritical garbage like that, are you?), something like trying to subvert Congress' sole, constitutionally mandated authority to manage the federal budget... Ehhh... it's a bit pointless to speculate on such matters; it's not like you'd ever endorse one, single, solitary guy with a track record of shock & awe level managerial incompetence and a documented history of embezzlement controlling the trillions of dollars in the federal purse, right?