He does reveal himself and he helps people. He does it all the time. Including myself.
My church is filled with previous-atheists, jews, muslims (etc) that came to the lord because he directly provided the evidence and on occasion even showed himself to people who didn't know who he was at the time (in this particular case several muslims from Iran and/or Syria I think).
I could go on for paragraphs about evidence and experiences of myself and people around me and how I became a devout Christian from raging anti-theist (Richard Dawkins once wrote an article about my youtube channel, lol)
but thats for another day
Now however Whats relevant to this meme is that
1. Nations were destroyed for specific reasons and sometimes by the tribe of Judah who began their freedom being fully aware of god revealing himself (The book of Exodus)
2. He does reveal himself in an ambiguous way (or as stated above, sometimes not so ambiguous).
People in most cases simply reject the explanation and attribute it to absolutely anything else by any means possible...Perhaps that why he doesn't do it so often?... I dont know obviously but if I knew revealing myself to someone in particular would just leave them assuming they were hallucinating, I probably would instead turn my attention to someone else